Due to the difficulties I have been experiencing in trying to co-ordinate in-person interviews with my research project participants - I have decided I need to revise my proposal.

During the first year of our MA course I have only managed to film a grand total of one of the video interviews - with my friend Lora (above), who lives in Sheffield. Despite making two trips to Belfast where another one of my research participants is doing her PhD - I have managed to miss her both times. I have also struggled to find a mutually convenient date with another participant based in London, and the two dates we agreed we have had to cancel because one or other of us was sick. Three of my other participants live in another country and I would have to travel to film with them and the remaining participants (probably 2 or 3 more), I have yet to recruit... Basically, it's not exactly going to plan. But in my defense I have been totally pre-occupied with two consequitive elections and also pretty seriously ill at moments.
So, I have decided to scrap the idea of creating a documentary film from the interviews, as this will alleviate the need to film them in-person (to ensure adequate audio and visual quality). Instead, my plan is to record the interviews online and then transcribe the quotes as text to be used for online publication and potentially in a book documenting the project.
In light of this decision, I've updated my Research Proposal, Positionality and Consent document:
Aims of the Research Project
The key themes of the research are: nationalism, migration, identity and belonging. Madeleina is interested in exploring how political rhetoric and decision-making impacts on individuals’ sense of identity and their relationships to different communities within society. The research participants will be individuals who consider themselves to have complex / intersectionality identities, ie. experience of multiple migrations, acquisition of citizenship of a country other than their birth, the ability to speak multiple languages, gender or sexual identities, faith or disability. The focus of the research will be the participant’s personal stories; experiences of prejudice or discrimination as well as experience of acceptance and inclusion, relationships with different communities, response to political environments and prevailing public discourse, and their sense of belonging within their respective societies. Madeleina will produce portrait artworks of participants which aim to represent these complex / intersectional identities through symbolic colour schemes. Furthermore, the research participants’ perception of different flags will be considered, with the aim of creating a flag (a textiles piece) which attempts to represent their identity as an individual – subverting the typical purpose of a flag which is typically associated with a collective identity. Madeleina will conduct research interviews (in-person or on zoom) with the participants, which will be recorded and transcribed with the intention of using quotes for publication online and potentially in a book documenting the project. Ultimately, the aim of the research is to raise awareness of individuals with intersectional identities and the fallacy of cultural monoliths, to celebrate diversity and facilitate a discourse with participants and audiences about how society can be more open and inclusive.
· Madeleina will conduct a video interview of 1 hour (either online or in-person) with each participant individually; the dialogue will focus on the research topic; experiences of prejudice or discrimination as well as experience of acceptance and inclusion, relationships with different communities, response to political environments and prevailing public discourse, and their sense of belonging within their respective societies. Additionally, Madeleina will ask the participants to consider colour schemes and imagery which have a personal symbolic meaning to them, which could visually represent their identity.
· Madeleina will produce portrait drawings / paintings from photographs of the individuals using the colour schemes selected by the participants for their portraits.
· Madeleina will produce a “flag” (A textiles piece) to represent the individual participant using colour schemes and symbols selected by the participants.
· Quotes from the video interviews will be described and used for publication and online and potentially in a book documenting the project.
· The portrait artworks are intended to be exhibited alongside the flags and quotes from the interviews.
Confirmed Participants (above, from left to right, top to bottom)
Ania (not pictured yet)