JC Candanedo is participating in my MA Research project. He is a photographer, artist and trustee for Axis (the Arts charity for which I work as a Communications Producer).

I invited JC to partiicpate in my research project which is looking at individuals with intersectional identities. JC is half Catalan and half Panamanian and despite growing up in both countries, has been made to feel "oothered because of his mixed heritage. JC is also a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

I made these ink and pencil drawings from photographs which JC sent me via WhatsApp - unfortunately, some of the images were compressed so the quality wasn't always great, but were sufficicent for the purpose of these sketches, which were focusing on form and shadow.

I think the ink drawings turned out better than these two pencil sketches. Especially the one above, the shading didn't really work and the eyes look very odd.

I think this is my favourite sketch which I produced - but this was made from my favourite photo of the 6 which JC sent me... Source material matters!